The shelf life of cheese depends on the type of cheese.
Hard cheeses such as Comté, Cheddar, Swiss Gruyère, and Parmesan last up to 6 months if stored properly in the refrigerator. However for best experience we usually recommend to consume within 3 weeks.
Semi-soft cheeses like Gouda, Morbier, Saint-Nectaire, last up to 2 months, but again, we recommend to consume within 3 weeks.
Soft cheeses such as Brie de Meaux, Baron Bigod, Camembert de Normandie can last up to 1 month.
Blue cheeses such as Roquefort and Gorgonzola will last for around 3 weeks.
However, it's important to note that the cheese can spoil faster if it has been opened or exposed to air outside of the refregirator! To extend the shelf life of cheese, it should be stored properly in the refrigerator at 4°C, in an airtight container or wrapped in plastic wrap to help prevent moisture loss and contamination.